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eDNA and technology

eDNA technology revolutionises invasive species biosecurity

Environmental DNA (eDNA) research plays a vital role in for detecting and monitoring invasive species for biosecurity management.

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Technology is revolutionising the way scientists monitor, research and uncover new information about habitats and species.

We are at the forefront of testing the feasibility of new technologies, including eDNA, drones, artificial intelligence and advanced camera technology.

We are using metabarcoding and other innovative techniques to better understand how farming affects nutrient cycling in soils.

Assessing agricultural nutrient recycling using metabarcoding



We are using DNA methods to identify what dugongs in the Townsville region are eating other than seagrass, and trialling a new eDNA approach.

Assessing dugong poo using eDNA



We are using environmental DNA to understand the distribution of fish species, allowing us to identify structures that act as barriers to fish migration.

Using eDNA to detect barriers to fish in Australian waterways

Research, Monitoring


We employ eDNA technology to detect the presence of threatened species, such as frogs and turtles, without needing to sight them. This allows for more effective conservation efforts.

Using eDNA to find threatened species



We are partnering with communities to understand species distribution and detect invasive species using environmental DNA (eDNA).

Community eDNA monitoring



Environmental DNA (eDNA) research plays a vital role in for detecting and monitoring invasive species for biosecurity management.

eDNA technology revolutionises invasive species biosecurity

Monitoring, Research


We are using eDNA to detect the presence of invasive fish in waterways.

Using eDNA as a surveillance tool for invasive fish



Using cameras to collect thousands of images, we are able to track and monitor the abundance and diversity of species with AI.

Artificial intelligence to track and monitor species




Firth LB, Bone J, Bartholomew A, et al.

eDNA and technology

Coastal greening of grey infrastructure: An update on the state-of-the-art.

De Brauwer M, Clarke LJ, Chariton A, et al.

eDNA and technology

Best practice guidelines for environmental DNA biomonitoring in Australia and New Zealand.

Villacorta-Rath C, Lach L, Andrade-Rodriguez N, Burrows D, Gleeson D, Trujillo-Gonzalez A.

eDNA and technology

Invasive terrestrial invertebrate detection in water and soil using a targeted eDNA approach.

Walker SE, Sheaves M, & Waltham NJ.

eDNA and technology

Barriers to using UAVs in conservation and environmental management: A systematic review.

Cooper MK, Villacorta-Rath C, Burrows D, Jerry DR, Carr L, Barnett A, Huveneers C, Simpfendorfer CA.

eDNA and technology

Practical eDNA sampling methods inferred from particle size distribution and comparison of capture techniques for a critically endangered elasmobranch.

Villacorta-Rath C, Espinoza T, Cockayne B, Schaffer J, Burrows D.

eDNA and technology

Environmental DNA analysis confirms extant populations of the cryptic Irwin's turtles within its historical range.

Snape N.

eDNA and technology

Environmental DNA survey of Rhinella marina (cane toad) on Mulgumpin (Moreton Island) – June 2022.

Joyce KE, Anderson K, Bartolo RE.

eDNA and technology

Of Course We Fly Unmanned – We’re Women!

Reports and publications

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