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Seagrass habitats

Restoring tropical seagrasses and their ecosystem services

Over four years, we will plant thousands of seagrass fragments and over half a million seeds, while tracking the return of fish species and measuring the blue carbon benefits.

Featured project

Seagrasses are powerful carbon sinks, vital food sources for dugongs and green turtles and serve as essential nurseries for prawns and fish.

We house Australia's largest seagrass research group and have more than 40 years of experience in seagrass research. We monitor, map, restore and research inshore seagrass meadows, collaborating with Traditional Owners, industries, and governments.

We are working with Traditional Owners to deploy temperature loggers to measure thermal risk to inshore seagrass, and developing a model to predict areas of seagrass most at risk of thermal stress from high temperatures.

Thermal risk for inshore seagrass on the Great Barrier Reef

Monitoring, Community


We're working with Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Rangers in a long-term partnership to map and monitor benthic habitats and the megafauna, and provide the tools and training to support Rangers in managing their Sea Country.

Building capacity of Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Rangers

Community, Monitoring


Scientists are equipping Indigenous rangers with drone survey skills, alongside helicopter and boat-based surveys, to map dugongs in connection to their seagrass habitats.

Local scale mapping of dugongs and seagrass habitats



The project embraces the combined benefits of Indigenous Knowledge, on-ground monitoring, and science and management expertise to provide training for Torres Strait rangers and to report data needed for ecosystem management.

Torres Strait seagrass mapping, monitoring and research

Monitoring, Community


We monitor and assess the condition of inshore seagrass meadows across the Great Barrier Reef, providing long-term data essential for managing these habitats.

Monitoring seagrass health in the Great Barrier Reef



Following back-to-back floods, scientists undertook surveys to understand seagrass loss and its impact on dugong and turtles.

Post-flood monitoring of seagrass in Hervey Bay and Great Sandy Strait



Researchers study how different seagrass species produce seed banks to support meadow recovery, resilience and restoration.

Seagrass seeds to measure ecosystem resilience



Over four years, we will plant thousands of seagrass fragments and over half a million seeds, while tracking the return of fish species and measuring the blue carbon benefits.

Restoring tropical seagrasses and their ecosystem services



We undertake benthic mapping across largely unexplored regions in collaboration with Traditional Owners.

Northern Australia seagrass sea country mapping



We are investigating the amount of grazing in meadows by turtles and dugongs, and its potential to impact the seagrass.

Impacts of turtle and dugong grazing on seagrass meadows



Our environmental monitoring of port industries is extensive, covering coral, water quality, seagrass, and biodiversity. This monitoring covers 4 ports along the Queensland coast.

Long-term monitoring for port industries: coral, water quality, seagrass, and biodiversity




Said NE, Cleguer C, Lavery P, Hodgson AJ, Gorham C, Tyne JA, Frouws A, Strydom S, Lo J, Raudino HC, Waples K, McMahon K.

Seagrass habitats

Sparse seagrass meadows are critical dugong habitat: A novel rapid assessment of habitat-wildlife associations using paired drone and in-water surveys.

Smith TM, Reason CL, Rasheed MA.

Seagrass habitats

NLEP SRA: Monitoring for seagrass and macroalgae baseline survey October 2023.

Carter A, Proctor M, David M, Scott A, Rasheed M and Torres Strait Regional Authority Land and Sea Rangers.

Seagrass habitats

Torres Strait Seagrass Report Card 2024. 

Bryant CV, Reason CL, Scott AL, Hoffmann L, Rasheed MA.

Seagrass habitats

Post-Flood Seagrass Monitoring in the Great Sandy Marine Park - 2023.

Reason C, Hoffmann L, McKenna S, Rasheed M.

Seagrass habitats

Seagrass habitat of Cairns Harbour and Trinity Inlet: Annual monitoring report 2023.

Scott A, & Rasheed M.

Seagrass habitats

Port of Karumba long-term annual seagrass monitoring 2023.

McKenna SA, Concannon TG, Hoffmann L.

Seagrass habitats

Port of Townsville seagrass monitoring program: Brief report May 2024. 

Bremner J, Petus C, Dolphin T, Hawes J, Beguet B, Devlin MJ.

Seagrass habitats

A seagrass mapping toolbox for South Pacific environments.

Reports and publications

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