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Water quality: catchment to reef

Water quality monitoring for growers using high-frequency sensors

Our program provides real-time nitrate data to growers in Great Barrier Reef catchments, helping them quickly adjust practices to reduce runoff.

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Good water quality is essential for the health of marine and freshwater ecosystems. When water quality declines, the resilience of these ecosystems weakens.

We play a major role in monitoring the condition and tracking long-term trends of pollutants entering the Great Barrier Reef. We also work with growers, graziers and communities to help reduce runoff and improve on-farm pracitices.

Our program provides real-time nitrate data to growers in Great Barrier Reef catchments, helping them quickly adjust practices to reduce runoff.

Water quality monitoring for growers using high-frequency sensors



We are helping growers explore on-farm Interventions, such as drainage, to reduce runoff and improve water quality.

On-farm interventions to improve water quality



Our researchers train and support tourism operators and communities in collecting data to better understand water clarity, nutrients, and temperature at key tourism sites.

Whitsunday water quality monitoring: citizen science and ecotourism

Community, Monitoring


We are producing new environmental and climate proxy records to provide a greater understanding of the Reef's disturbance history and long-term ecosystem evolution.

Long-term environmental records across the Great Barrier Reef



We use multiple lines of evidence including water quality monitoring, tracing, modelling, and proxy-based data analysis, to a better understand of the catchment-to-marine connection.

Pollutant sources, transport and fate across catchment to Reef



We are collaborating with extension staff throughout the Great Barrier Reef catchment to enhance their understanding of water quality science and how to effectively communicate it.

Improving water quality science communication



This research uses satellite images and advanced remote sensing technology to map and monitor water quality conditions, including flood plumes, across expansive reef ecosystems.

Large scale water quality monitoring using remote sensing



We train a network of landholders on water quality sampling, where we then analyse to identify catchment hotspots and help to refine catchment modelling output.

Community water quality monitoring on grazing lands



By consolidating historical water quality data, we aim to uncover the spatial and temporal scope of existing monitoring efforts, enabling analysis of water quality trends across broader scales.

Historical water quality database for the Great Barrier Reef



For over two decades, we've studied how runoff from land and river plumes enter the Great Barrier Reef.

Impact of water quality and river plumes in the Great Barrier Reef

Monitoring, Research


We specialise in the synthesis and review of Great Barrier Reef related water quality themes including hydrology, wetlands, sediments, nutrients and pesticides.

Synthesising broader water quality research across the Great Barrier Reef



Our environmental monitoring of port industries is extensive, covering coral, water quality, seagrass, and biodiversity. This monitoring covers 4 ports along the Queensland coast.

Long-term monitoring for port industries: coral, water quality, seagrass, and biodiversity




Cartwright P, Johns J, Waltham N.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Port of Weipa ambient marine water quality monitoring program: Annual report 2023-2024. 

Cartwright P, Iles J, Johns J, Waltham N.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Port of Abbot Point ambient marine water quality monitoring program: Annual Report 2022-2023.

Cartwright P, Johns J, Waltham N.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Port of Mackay and Hay Point ambient marine water quality monitoring program: Annual report 2023-2024. 

Yu W, Guo R, Thompson LG, et al.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Water isotope ratios reflect convection intensity rather than rain type proportions in the pantropics.

Davis A, Pearson R.

Water quality: catchment to reef

2022 Scientific Consensus Statement - Question 1.4 How are the Great Barrier Reef’s key ecosystem processes connected from the catchment to the reef and what are the primary factors that influence these connections?

Lewis SE, Baird ME, Bainbridge Z, Davis A.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Correspondence on “Submarine Groundwater Discharge Exceeds River Inputs as a Source of Nutrients to the Great Barrier Reef”.

Bainbridge ZT, Olley JM, Lewis SE, Stevens T, Smithers SG.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Tracing sources of inorganic suspended particulate matter in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, Australia.

Cartwright P, Iles J, Johns J, Waltham N.

Water quality: catchment to reef

Whitsunday water quality monitoring blueprint for tourism operators: Annual report 2023–2024.

Reports and publications

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