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Our researchers are exploring how to maximise water resource allocation across the vast and diverse landscapes of Northern Australia, advising policymakers on potential impacts to ecosystems.

Sustainable water security in northern Australia

Featured project

Freshwater and wetland habitats are the lungs of our environment, filtering pollutants, supporting biodiversity, and maintaining good water quality.

We use innovative and science-based solutions to restore, preserve, and rehabilitate coastal wetlands. This research is key in developing coastal restoration, optimising water resource allocation, improving carbon storage, protecting coastlines, and boosting biodiversity.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

We are working with the Department for Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water to improve Australia's environmental planning and approval processes for threatened and migratory species and ecological communities.

Improving outcomes for threatened and migratory species and threatened ecological communities



We are developing restoration techniques for oyster reefs and Vallisneria, marking the first Vallisneria restoration in Australia and the first oyster reef restoration in the Australian tropics.

Oyster and Vallisneria restoration with Wanjuru-Yidinji Traditional Owners

Restoration, Community


This project identifies potential wetland restoration sites between Cairns and Gladstone.

Scoping coastal wetlands and suitable trees for blue carbon restoration



Our team is developing guideline values that can protect temporary aquatic ecosystems from contaminants. This will inform and improve mine site operations and rehabilitation in the future.

Monitoring and protection of temporary waters in Northern Australia


We are investigating carbon storage in restoration projects and their role in capturing nutrients from farm runoff.

Carbon storage and nutrient capture in restoration projects

Restoration, Research


This project has developed a comprehensive roadmap to guide coordinated, large-scale coastal and marine restoration efforts in Australia.

Roadmap to large scale restoration



We use green engineering and nature-based solutions to help industries boost biodiversity, such as fish hotels and improved sea walls.

Nature-based solutions for industries to boost biodiversity



We lead the science behind restoration projects, focusing on enhancing biodiversity, maximising carbon storage, and protecting coastlines.

Science-led coastal restoration



Our researchers are exploring how to maximise water resource allocation across the vast and diverse landscapes of Northern Australia, advising policymakers on potential impacts to ecosystems.

Sustainable water security in northern Australia




Martinez-Baena F, Raoult V, Taylor MD, Gaston TF, McLeod I, Bishop MJ.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

Tropic structure of temperate Australian oyster reefs with the estuarine seascape: A stable isotope analysis.

Duarte de Paula Costa M, Adame MF, Bryant CV, et al.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

Quantifying blue carbon stocks and the role of protected areas to conserve coastal wetlands.

Vulliet C, Koci J, Jarihani B, Sheaves M, Waltham N.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

Assessing tidal hydrodynamics in a tropical seascape using structure-from-motiion photogrammetry and 2D flow modellings.

Raoult V, Pini-Fitzsimmons J, Smith TM, Gaston TF.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

Testing non-lethal magnets and electric deterrents on batoids to lower oyster depredation.

Binks O, Cernusak LA, Liddell M, et al.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

Vapour pressure deficit modulates hydraulic function and structure of tropical rainforests under nonlimiting soil water supply.

Claassens L, de Villiers NM, Waltham NJ.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

How developed is the South African coast? Baseline extent of South Africa's coastal and estuarine infrastructure.

Hagger V, Waltham NJ, Lovelock CE.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

Opportunities for coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon with co-benefits for biodiversity, coastal fisheries, and water quality.

Pearson RG, Davis AM, Birtles RA.

Wetlands and freshwater habitats

The Burdekin River A review of its ecology, conservation and management.

Reports and publications

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